UCLA Library Special Collections Digital Project Toolkit

The UCLA Library Special Collections Digital Project Toolkit is designed to support a variety of digital projects that may occur in a special collections library, including collaborative digital humanities projects, boutique and large-scale digitization projects, and projects that include development of a digital platform to provide access to digital content. The Digital Project Toolkit supports the work of archivists and librarians in collaboration with undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, technical staff, and outside contractors. With that in mind, the documentation is designed to be accessible to all potential project participants. UCLA Library uses Confluence and JIRA for project management, collaboration, and tracking.

The Digital Project Toolkit is made available here to serve as a reference for other institutions while planning and implementing digital projects. Questions or comments can be addressed to Jillian Cuellar at jcuellar@library.ucla.edu. The DPTK is a work in progress and will be updated as necessary.


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