E-resource Implementation (TERMS)

By Stephen Buck (editor)

Any new e-resource will need to be implemented, while this may be relatively straightforward for smaller resources, larger resources and new services may take a few months to get just right. No matter how big the resource, it will need to be tested and set up in order to embed it into the collection. Training and awareness sessions for staff and users will help, as will a definite launch date that can be used to market the new resources to the intended audience.

Section 3 of TERMS: Techniques for Electronic Resource Management (version 1)

Available at: https://library.hud.ac.uk/blogs/terms/terms/implementation/

Archived to the Internet Archive March 8, 2018; available at: https://web.archive.org/web/20180308170425/https://library.hud.ac.uk/blogs/terms/terms/implementation/

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