Electronic Resource Management Workflow Flowchart from the DLF ERMI Report

by Kimberly Parker, Nathan D. M. Robertson, Ivy Anderson, Adam Chandler, Sharon E. Farb, Timothy Jewell, and Angela Riggio, Appendix B of the 2004 Electronic Resource Management report of the Digital Library Federation ERM Initiative

The Electronic Resource Management Workflow Flowchart provides a detailed overview of the activities associated with managing the life cycle of electronic products, and is intended to be generally applicable to the processes followed at most institutions. The flowchart highlights functions and processes that are necessary for the acquisition and ongoing management of electronic products. While there are some similarities between the acquisition and management processes for traditional physical library materials and those for electronic products, there are many issues and complexities unique to electronic products.

Even though the ERMI Report is over a decade old, its contents, including this flowchart, continue to be relevant and instructive.

Available at https://old.diglib.org/pubs/dlf102/dlfermi0408appb.pdf

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